Sunday, July 25, 2010

What a week. *hectic*

It has been awhile!
How ya people doing???
Fine? I hope so!! :)
Well, well, alot had happened for the past week.
Last week, I found out that I got chosen for NS!!! *cry out loud
*News flew all over Penang, all the way to KL and finallyyy Dubai. WHAT? I was devastated kayyy! *laugh out loud*

NS, Every Parent's Nightmare!

Monday,my mum called. Out of sudden, she said that my uncle had heart attack. Wahhh.. I rushed all the way to the hospital to report the latest news to my mum (since she is not in Penang). *Phew. Thank God he's alright. Amen.

Tuesday, freaking out. I'm having test tomorrow and the oh-so-smart me,
are yet to touch my book!
Worse still, I had tuition on that day itself. Gahhh. Tiredddd like hell. Lol.
*Sorry Xing Xi, I knew I sorta drove you crazyyy. I'm sowrieee. (Pity him. I, Ms Su, mentally tortured that poor dude.) :P *

I rushed like nobody's business in order to revise for my HISTORY. Loads to cover,mann!
Lil did I know that Chapter 7 is twee times of Chapter 6!!
Well, I stayed up till 1.30am and woke up at 4.30am to do my Physics.
*I'm glad I studied. You may think I'm a nerd or a lil kiasu. I'm just taking a step further, preparing myself for the worst.

Wednesday, mum came back to visit my uncle.
She and her sister, Aunty Stephanie, dropped by to visit her (my mum) very precious kids! *lol. She took my lil bro. and I out.
I murmured to myself, "I'm so dead. I'm having chemistry tomorrow and yet, I'm goin out.
Well, who cares! It's just a test! :P"

We went out to Gurneyy, babehh! I'm loving it. *lalala Well, I shopped like no one's business. Went there empty handed, came back with full of shopping bags!!
The feeling is just so AWESOMEEE!
We left Gurney at around 8 plus and we drove all the way to Tambun for seafood!
*yum yum oh-so-delicious :D
After dinner, went to my uncle's house to fix my brother's phone.
My elder bro, drove us back to Penang whereas my mum drove back to KL.
*sobs I will miss her LOADS
Guess what??
We reached home about 11 plus.
I was so dang tireddd, went to bed without studying.

Thursday, woke up 6 plusss!! Gahhh! running late for school!
Well, I managed to study for my chemistry before the test start. *Lucky me!
I could feel that I'm running out of energy,babeh.
Reached home, I could feel this "stupid fire" which kept burning inside.
It was the eagerness to STUDY.
Seriously, it felt SO WRONG.
Yesss, indeed, I continue to study instead of taking a break!
I was preparing really HARD for my biology!

Friday, last day of Test 2! *cheers*
I stayed up till 2.30am. I can't sleep.
At last I managed to sleep but it was almost 3 or 3 plus in the morning.
Nonetheless, I woke up at 4.30 or 5. (I can't really remember)
I didn't get to finish em' ,my bio last night. * pathetic
So, yea I had to continue with my it.
Which means... I won't have time for my Add. Maths!!! *Dang it. I need a time machine!!*
Bio was pretty hard,tho. If I didnt study, I dont think I couldd get thru it. :D
Last but not least, add maths!!!!
For the very first time, after goin thru all the other papers, I actually wanted to
commit suicide
*Not literally. I love myself too much. Commiting suicide would be such a waste!
Add Maths was HARDD! Well, whatever. It's OVER!
PS: I slept EXTREMELY early. 9 plus! hah.

Saturday. *wheeeeeeeeeeeeeee I felt so fresh,people! ;D
Woke up, switched on my phone and it started buzzing. *I could always predict who*
BUT, then again, I may be wrong. *I ain't no psychic!
Hah! A stanger texted me. *You know who you are. I'm Not gonna go into details here. Save the best for the last!* :P
At night, hang out with my bro and Jack. *Seriously wei,they are like freggin close BUT, (I stressed on the "BUT") they aren't gay lahhh! It's NOT a sarcasm!!! Well, I'm just jealous of the fact that their friendship did last after so longggg. :P
PS: Jack, if you so happened to read this, dont breathe a word to my brother. :D

Sunday, I wonder what's new for today!

Gossip Girl, " Upper East Side Queens aren't born at the top. They climb their way up in heels, no matter who the have to tread on to do it."
*You might think it's mean. Well, try looking at the other angle. I hope you see something in it!
XOXO. Love. Peace. Yo. <3

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