Sunday, June 20, 2010

CLS Gathering

Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. =D

Bravo, Form 5 Rangers!

You guys did a great job!
The stage deco. was amazing!!
I had fun dancing, singing and screaming!! xp
The atmosphere was pretty FUN & HIGH!
I felt like I'm in a club rather than a gathering,tho. :D
*maybe this is how a real gathering feels like*
Nonetheless, we should really thanked Deepti for coming up with something.
Or else.. RC is in deep trouble.
I was sorta disappointed,tho.
I stayed up to look for the lyrics and songs to prepare a last minute performances.
AND they cancelled it.
Haiz.. I'm NOT blaming them. I wouldn't wanna embarass myself up there too ,tho.
*Ignore me. I know i'm just ranting*

The station games were good.
It was quite fun lah! :D
Just that I came home NOT so good!!
  • I have huge blisters under my feet!
  • I couldn't walk! Each step I take, it's like poking a needle thru the blisters
  • I have rashes EVERYWHERE ( almost) on my thighs and knees!!
  • I have cuts on my knees!
Well... well.. this is the price you PAY when you are being SPORTING! hah! *perasan*
Alright. Gotta leave. I will update some photos if I could find some!! <3

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