Thursday, June 17, 2010

A letter to a best friend!

Note: This is NOT a love letter but it is a letter written with love!

Dear Shaun,

I wish you were here to read this because all that I'm goin to say,here, came truly from the bottom of my heart.
I couldn't make myself to tell you this face to face not because I was shy BUT I'm afraid I might freak you out! (I wouldn't want that, tho) Lol.
Anyway, the very reason I wrote you this, was because I wanted to let you know how grateful I am to have you as a friend!
You are one of the things that ever happened to me in my life! ( I'm NOT exaggerating! I mean it!)
The day I met you was like a whole new phase and the begining of everything. (Ka Ching! )
You made me into who I am, today! Not a perfect person BUT definately a better one! =D
You, sticked thru thick and thin with me regardless how bad the situations are.
You were there for me when I needed someone the most!
You have NEVER let me down, NOT EVEN ONCE.
Sometimes I do feel really guilty and ashame of myself.
Do you know why?? Well, it's simple!
"You asked me not to do it and I did it! " [ Did wat? Ask me. :)]

For those out there,you think you have found your Best Friend??
Well, let
me share with ya what my friend, here, had done for me. It's AMAZING, I tell you!!

  • He brain wash me like nobody's business!! Lol.
His intention: He is just trying to show me what's right and what's wrong eventho it involved Christianity. Nonetheless, it's for my own good! Right??
  • He actually spent his precious time + credits, listening to my endless rants a.k.a craps/nonsenses (mostly are just boyfriend issues)
Note: Not many ppl are willing to do that,you see.
  • He is willing to spend his "supposingly sleeping hours" to help me when I'm in trouble. FYI, sleeping hours are VERY IMPORTANT to him. Right, Shaun?? ;) He needs his 'BEAUTY SLEEP'! xP
Note: Ppl like me, who is rather selfish, text him in the middle of the night (almost) just to ask him to "fix me" (get over my ex). Yet, he NEVER shoo me away!! [Dang it! You made me feel so BAD,dude!!]
  • He has never gave up on ME! ( Well, so far,there aren't any signs or sympotons, tho.) He advises me like a broken tape recorder!! oh yes, he nags, LIKE a grandpa!! D: He makes sure what goes in, in the right ear NEVER came out from the left ear AND will stay in my brain for as long as I'm still breathing.
Note: Trust Me, your best friends will only advise you the most, 3 times! (After that, you die your problem!) I dont blame them, see.. to them, they had done their part and that's it!
  • He is a REALLY commited Christian and that is why he is 'holy' to ME! (I know you dont agree with me,Shaun BUT this is how I 'gred' you. Accept it, brother!) Due to this, I have changed from a total spoil brat who curse, judge others, bitch about others and etc. to a much better person. I'm REALLY glad I have stopped all those nonsense as it brings nothing BUT troubles. For now, I'm trying my really best to stay on the right track hoping that one day, I will gain respect from the others
Note: If it wasn't for him or God, I think I'm pretty much the still a pyscho bitch who claims to be innocent.

It's endless and crazy,man!! hahaha.

Shaun-oh-Shaun, you are NOT only my best friend. In fact, you are like a brother to me. Eventho, I'm older than u by a couple of months BUT you are the one always watching out for me. I'm glad we met (a few days after my birthday), and I get to know you! Perhaps, you are a gift from ou Father in Heaven as a birthday present? Who knew??
Well, I hope (keeping my fingers cross) I will not have to lose you be in today, tomorrow or in the future. You play a really important role in my life,man!! When I fall, you pick me up! Without you, I guess I will just keep on falling till I DIE one fine day! *touch wood*

Pui Yee's Awesomeee
(I'm just joking)

Shaun, you are indeed a GIFT from GOD. Thank you so so much for EVERYTHING. I'm sorry I almost drove you crazy at times. Hahahaha. =D

Pui Yee
(Your crazy friend/ partner/ sister)

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