Thursday, June 24, 2010

A Day With My Beloved(s)!

I'm just so H-A-P-P-Y!!!!!! :D

I finally get to spent some time with Ms. Koe a.ka. my madam a.k.a my sister!!! (Shu Wern)
I have been dying to go out with her and my permission always got turned down by my aunt. D:
Hah! At last, we(Vivian and I) get to hang out at her place and we went 'pasar malam' together.
It was FUN,wei!! We ate like nobody's business!!!
We screamed, we laughed, we teased one another and obviously we talked ALOT!
Hmmm... let me recalled what we ate. Err...
  • Char Koay Teow
  • Tong Sui
  • A huge chocolate crips
  • A huge 'sausage'
  • Cendol
  • Vivian bought some coconut tiny "crips" (idk wat it's called as)
I guess that's all we ate,kua.. Can't really remember,tho.
Anyway, around 8 plus, Vivian had to go. D:
So, we waited with her for her parents to come fetch her BUT she kept shoo-ing us home!!
(Vivian, we WILL NOT leave u alone! It's dark,kayyy! Later,kena kidnapped *touchwood*)

After that, it started to drizzle, Shu Wern and I walked back to her house.
At her house..we talked and talked and talked NON stop!
*sorryy lahhh.. this is US. when u placed us in a room together, this is what we do! *:p
Catching up with one another is the BEST thing to do when u missed out so much in one's life!

Shu Wern and Vivian

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