Sunday, August 1, 2010

Pictures do speak,don't they?

Namelists for registration! :D

Namelists for class 5 SN 1, 5 Sn 2 & 5 PA 1.

Namelists for class 5 PA 2, 5 KM 1 & 5 KM 2.

Master Plan! ;)

Sitting Position for each and every one! *Phew* Credits to Wai Yan & saya! :P

Our very awesome programme card! Grand,huh?? Credits to Jessalynn, Lai Zhu and ME!

The Programme of the day!

My AWESOMEEEE tatttooooo! *woots*

My make-ups!

Time to pick a shoe! Black goes with any colour! ;P

Last but not least,My dress! *ta-da