Saturday, August 22, 2009

Me. Myself.

Well.. This week is certainly a horrible.... and yet a fantastic week.
Why do I say so???
My week started off really badly!!
I have loads of things to do..
For example :- 2 speeches to preapare ( prefect's speech and aural).
- packing for vacation
- loads of homework to deal with
- updating my blog because my beloved Shu Wern is running out of patient for Part 3!

But when this week almost come to an end, good things started to happen! :)
Like:- I'm getting my I-Phone
- Promoted from secretary to the head of SDC!!
- I'm leaving to KL (today)

Anyhow.. i would like to take this opportunity to thank a few people.
- Kenneth for the prefect's speech.
- Shu Wern, Adelyn and Theresa for the aural presentation.
- Myself for the job well done in packing! (hah! perasan)

At the same time, i would also like to apologise to a few people.
- Vivian and Lai Zhu for ppk-ing you people
- Lai Zhu for unable to attend Mr. Heng's tuition ( Get me the notes, ya!)
- Shu Wern because I no longer need to write report ( She knows what i'm talking about)

But No Worries!! I'll get you people some stuff!! I promise, kay!!!

Love you people Lots!!!
I'll Miss You people Lots too!!



  1. mmeehhh , dun't thank me ler. Not tat i helped u to get de post.. yeahhhh good n bad things are always around you 1 la.. SDC ?? the area where u ppl use microphone there? hahaha


  2. Lol.. MR. Anonymous!!
    Yes... Smart eh..
    How do you know that SDC is the area where there announcement is made??
    Lol.. Hahaha..
