Tuesday, June 29, 2010



I'm warning you for the VERY last time! Stop telling me you are on a diet!!
I shall whack you,mann!! :p hahaha.
Well..well..TODAY was a mess!
I screwed up ALL my meals!
I didnt take my breakfast this morning but I ate during recess time!
I ate a plate of chicken rice (one of my fav. dishes in sch) from the malay store.
Well.. I know.. it's CANTEEN FOOD, how would it taste good??
Apparently, my school's canteen doesn't really suck,kayy! *cheers*
After school, I went for Mr. Boo's tuition.
Xing Xi bought me lunch, which is a set of Mc Chicken! *oh-so-delicious
Lai Zhu and I went to Caltex to get some junk food!!
We bought a packet of Twisties, Rollar Coaster, Some chocolate oats, can drink and a mentos for 10 bucks!! *pretty cheap,huh?? ; )
BUT THAT isn't my point!!
I ate like nobody's business,mann!!
First..I ate the whole set of Mc Chicken which consists of a burger, a medium fries and a coke!
Lai Zhu forced feed me the JUNK Food we bought! :p *I was just exaggerating! It's not her fault actually. Lol. XD.
I was so FULL, I felt like I could vomit anytime.
Lai Zhu went like, "See lahh, you are so full until wanna vomit! poor those in Africa who dont even get to EAT!
This isn't the worst yet!
Xing Xi went like, "Wah..Pui Yee. Eat so MUCH ar?? Not scared of FAT meh???"
I was like, "Xing Xi!! I'm enjoying my food and yet you HAD to remind me of putting on weight!!"
After that taking another mouth of junk food, I finally gave up!!
I can't take it anymore!! My stomach is gonna burst!
Passed two packets to Xing Xi.
I went like, "Nah..give you. Make u FAT!" I know I'm EVIL. muahahahaha.
I promised I won't take my dinner tonight!!!
Guess wat???
I took my dinner!! Grrr!

That's ALL bout today!
*It's more than enough to revealed about how I eat like a hungry monster*

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